BlogWorld Vegas – Fly High

Where were we last week? At Blogworld Las Vegas, of course.

BlogWorld is the world’s premier Social Media Business Conference and we were really happy to join the party. The Infolinks colorful booth was located right in the middle of the expo hall and we were visited by so many incredible people. And the 3 cool Infolinks remote controlled helicopters flying all around the hall sure did help spread the buzz around.

Why helicopter? You probably wonder. Well, it was all about promoting the super exciting Infolinks VIP Helicopter Parties which we hosted on both show nights. Our lucky guests were picked up from the hotel with a presidential limousine, drank lots of Champagne and listened to a great hip hop rave on our way to a private helicopter landing pad. The helicopters took off and flew above the marvelous Las Vegas strip, with the glowing lights of the city and the famous hotels – a feast for the eyes! It’s no wonder that the Infolinks parties were crowned as the Expo highlight.

[youtube g-VyPCYVYzk]

Blogworld Vegas was unforgettable… we put together a short clip to just share with you the taste of it. We want to thank everyone who visited our booth and took part in the helicopter party.