InfolinksO Bounces over to

BoingBoing - InfolinksO

Jackpot Kat Rubin!  You guessed it right; the InfolinksO’s next mission takes him to, the popular tech, culture and news website.  Check out this witty video he made for the BiongBoing team:

[youtube RGBz_VUegKU]

(InfolinksO, you’re such a ham!)

You guys did a great job reaching out to Darren Rowse at, now let’s continue to help the InfolinksO.

Visit Boingboing’s Facebook Fan Page and leave the following comment:
“BoingBoing, let the InfolinksO make magic with your content!”

Then, bounce on over to Twitter (sorry for the pun, but the site is called BoingBoing!) and tweet the following comment:
@Frauenfelder @doctorow @xenijardin, let the InfolinksO make magic with BoingBoing’s content!

Don’t forget to join us on Facebook to guess which top blog the InfolinksO will visit next.  To be continued . . .