In case you thought Infolinks’ InTag could not get any better, we’re here to happily tell you otherwise. The new InTag, a hybrid version of formerly known Tag Cloud and Related Tags has new features designed to increase your income while targeting your content’s best and highest paying keywords. One Line or Two Now InTag can be customized as either a one or two line attractive word cloud containing the top keywords from your blog post. It gives your readers quick exposure to your content by allowing them to preview its main words in a sleek ad unit. This helps target a wider reader spectrum and draws your readers into the context of your page. Drawing on Infolinks’ In3 technology platform allows our intelligent algorithm to extract keywords from your content and deliver ads with meaning and intent to your readers. The ad unit itself has been redesigned to a rectangle shape. We tested the new shape over (and over and over) to ensure you receive even better conversion rates. Location, Location, Location You know what they say, location is everything. Let us automatically place InTag for you or decide on a placement yourself. Choose where to integrate InTag by selecting “manual placement” and adding its short code to the locations you want it to appear. Not sure how optimized your Infolinks account is? Our at-a-glance Optimization Bar , located at the top left corner of each optimization page, lets you know exactly how far along your account is. A full bar means optimized earning potential.